The Woman Found Out That She Was Pregnant Just 20 Minutes Before Giving Birth. Photo


A mother of three from Audubon, Pennsylvania, found out she was pregnant 20 minutes before giving birth.

Karin Forthwangler thought she was tired and bloated when she noticed signs of pregnancy.

Karin, who has three children — 4-year-old Charlotte, 2-year—old Roger and 1-year-old Caroline — and experienced labor pains.

«Childbirth is a fairly clear sensation, so I was absolutely sure that it must be either this or some strange form of kidney stones.»

«My husband got up to get ready for work (around 5:15 a.m.), so I told him, ‘You’re going to think I’m crazy, because I think I’m crazy, but I think I might be in labor.’

Karin’s husband Adam took her to the hospital, where doctors confirmed that she was pregnant after Karin had an ultrasound.

20 minutes after she was told she was pregnant, Karin gave birth to a baby girl. Baby Catherine was born healthy-weighing 5 pounds 13 ounces. She spent two days in the hospital before being discharged.

Karin said she was still breastfeeding her youngest daughter and she didn’t have her period.

She thought she was just tired and bloated, caring for three children, and never thought she was pregnant with a fourth child.

Karin and Adam are happy to welcome their fourth child, but they said it was very difficult for them, as she was born amid an outbreak of coronavirus.

Karin told me: «We’re going a little crazy, but it was surprisingly easy to get used to the routine once we all recovered from the shock of having a new baby, and basically our whole life was canceled!».

The only thing that worries the couple is that now they will have to depend on their family and friends for basic necessities for a child in isolation!