6 years ago, this couple had a son: How does the family live and what does the boy look like? Photo


Michael and Trisha are originally from Idaho, USA. The couple met when they were students, they lived not far from each other, so they often got home together, and they often visited each other. Over time, such an ordinary friendship grew into something more.

The height of the girl Trisha is only 86 centimeters, and the guy named Michael is 180 cm and such a couple looked very unusual. In 2009, they decided to get married and got married a few months later.

Trisha was born in 1990, but for health reasons, at the time of birth, the baby had to spend half a year in the hospital, under the strictest supervision of doctors. The fact is that the girl’s bones are very fragile and the doctors came to the conclusion that her height will not reach more than 1 meter.

But, despite this feature, Trisha has always tried to live a full life and not waste time on depression and depression. Instead of home schooling, she studied at a regular school, then went to college, where she met her soulmate.

According to Michael, from the moment when Trisha said «Yes» to this day, he feels like the happiest man in the world. He is ready to carry his beloved in his arms all his life, in the truest sense of the word.

After the wedding, the young couple moved into a large house with its own yard, everything was perfect, only children’s laughter in this huge house was not enough for complete happiness.

Doctors strongly discouraged Trisha from giving birth, but her desire and her husband’s desire to become parents was stronger.

And almost six years ago, the son of Trisha and Michael was born. The boy was named Maven. He was born at 33 weeks of pregnancy, his weight was 1750 grams, and he was absolutely healthy! Fortunately, the peculiarity of his mother was not inherited by him and at the age of three he surpassed her in height.

Maven is now almost 6 years old, he is preparing for school and attends various preparatory courses. Trisha keeps her blog on social networks, where she shares moments from the life of their family.

The couple’s dreams are to give birth to another baby, but that’s all in the future.