Siamese twins were separated at the age of two. How they look after 4 years. Photo


On 10.08.2014, the Sandoval couple, living in California, had Siamese twins, who were named Eva and Erica. The babies had one body and one pair of legs for two. At the age of two, the sisters learned to understand each other without words. At the age of one and a half, they began to walk, and before that they felt great in their parents’ arms.

Art and Ade, the so-called parents of the girls, decided to separate their daughters immediately after their birth. But it was not at all easy to decide on such a serious step.

At the age of two, the girls caught up with their peers in development. They grew up very cheerful and active children, loving to spend time in the playroom, climbing ladders and ropes.

But the couple understood that it would be better for the girls if they grew and developed separately from each other. Therefore, at the end of 2016, they sought medical advice.

First of all, the twins underwent all the necessary examinations and preparation before the operation. The operation was decided to be carried out on the sixth of December.

50 specialists operated on the girls for 18 hours. And a day later, the doctors reported that the babies were feeling well. After that, they could be considered as individuals.

Eva and Erica returned home in March 2017. On this day, both the doctors and the twins’ family celebrated the success at the same time.

Of course, after the separation operation, the girls learned many things familiar to us anew, but the result was worth it.

Now the sisters could do a lot of things that were previously inaccessible to them. And they moved on special devices, in the form of small cars.

How Erica and Eva live today: Erica and Eva are already 6 years old. Four years have passed since their second birthday. During this time, their lives have changed.

After their story was shown on television, they became famous all over the world. Today Eva and Erica dream of making a career as actresses or models. And a lot of people around the world do not cease to be interested in their lives.