Instead of one child identical triplets were born: How they look like after 20 years


Expecting a baby is a truly special and magical time in a woman’s life. The anticipation, excitement, and joy that come with it are incomparable. During pregnancy, women often experience a mix of emotions, including concerns about their well-being and that of their unborn child.

However, the worries and uncertainties fade away when the long-awaited baby arrives. Sometimes, new mothers are greeted with delightful surprises, as was the case with a woman from Iran.

Throughout her entire pregnancy, she had been expecting only one baby. Yet, her expectations were exceeded threefold when she gave birth to identical triplets. The joyous event unfolded two decades ago in a humble Iranian family. Despite their modest means, the parents were overjoyed by the arrival of three daughters: Elnaz, Golnaz, and Tanaz. These three girls, both in childhood and now as adults, are indistinguishable copies of one another.

The parents, determined to provide the best for their children, made remarkable sacrifices to invest in the education and development of their daughters. In Iran, where societal norms often limit women’s opportunities and self-expression, such parental support was exceptional.

As the sisters grew into adulthood, they became increasingly aware of the limited prospects available to them in their native Iran. In a society where women’s work and individuality are not always encouraged, they decided to chart their own path. With their father’s financial support, they made the bold decision to relocate to London, leaving behind their homeland and never looking back.

In London, Elnaz, Golnaz, and Tanaz embarked on a journey of self-discovery and fulfillment. They found their passion in modeling and, remarkably, began achieving modest success almost immediately, collaborating with several prominent brands. This newfound career provided them with a stable income, allowing them to fully support themselves in a foreign land. While international stardom may still be on the horizon, the sisters remain steadfast in their belief in a successful future.

The sisters maintain a collective social media presence, where they share photos showcasing their impeccable style and fashion sense. They make a conscious effort to coordinate their looks, ensuring that even in their individuality, they stay true to their bond as identical triplets. Elnaz, Golnaz, and Tanaz are immensely grateful to their parents for their unwavering support, which has allowed them to pursue their dreams and flourish in their chosen path.

In a world that often places limitations on women, the inspiring journey of these three sisters serves as a testament to the power of determination, familial support, and the pursuit of one’s passions. Their story reminds us that, with perseverance and unwavering dedication, one can overcome societal norms and achieve their dreams, even in a foreign land.