When Nick Was 8, His Parents Sent Him To An Orphanage Because They Had No Money. And As Soon As The Son Got Rich In The Future, They Remembered About Him


The parents decided to give Nick to the child of what at home when he was 8 years old. The reason was simple-there was not enough money. A second child was born recently, so it became even harder. But they didn’t want to give the little one away, it was a pity, but they said goodbye to Nick easily. They asked their son not to be offended. They said that as soon as the money appeared, they would definitely return it back. Nick was waiting for his parents, he believed that the difficult time would pass and they would all be together again. At first, parents often came to their son. They brought him sweets, gifts, said that it was worth a little more patience and the family would be together again. And then their visits became less frequent.

The parents decided to give Kolya to the child of what at home when he was 8 years old. The reason was simple-there was not enough money. A second child was born recently, so it became even harder. But they didn’t want to give the little one away, it was a pity, but they said goodbye to Nikolai easily. They asked their son not to be offended. They said that as soon as the money appeared, they would definitely return it back. Kolya was waiting for his parents, he believed that the difficult time would pass and they would all be together again. At first, parents often came to their son. They brought him sweets, gifts, said that it was worth a little more patience and the family would be together again. And then their visits became less frequent.

When Kolya graduated from high school, he completely lost hope of reunion. He devoted himself to his studies in order to somehow forget and not think about his mental wounds. After 18 years, Kolya entered a budget place at the university, he was allocated a room in a dormitory. Kolya studied brilliantly in his last year, he was offered an internship in a large company. That’s where he got a job later. Kolya went up the career ladder confidently and quickly. After all, he was not interested in anything else in life and did not distract. He didn’t even think about his family, he didn’t need it.

As a result, Kolya became a major director, he was shown on TV, where he represented his company. That’s how the parents recognized their son in the blue screen. They finally remembered that they had once promised to take him back, but they never fulfilled the promise. Then the parents had a difficult period. The youngest child did not live up to expectations. He committed some kind of bad deed, hung a big debt on his parents and ran away. Therefore, the parents decided to turn to Cola. As they themselves said: — You’re our blood, our own son. Help the parents to pay off the child’s debt. And Kolya helped them with only one condition. He gave them the money they needed and asked them never to appear in his life again.