How Does A Boy Born Without 80% Of The Brain Live?After 7 Years. Photo


In the third month of pregnancy, a severe shock awaited them. The doctor informed the couple that the fetus develops with a rare chromosomal abnormality, spina bifida and hydrocephalus, as a result of which fluid accumulates in the brain.

The situation was very serious, the doctors were sure that the child would either be stillborn or have serious mental and physical defects. In addition, it was very likely that there was a hole in his spine. Five times doctors strongly advised the couple to terminate the pregnancy, but Shelly could not give up the baby.

When the time of delivery came very close, they bought a baby coffin with a heavy heart and began to prepare themselves for the worst.

And now this day has come. Baby Noah was born with an almost missing brain, it was less than 2%. The other part of the head was filled with fluid. In addition, starting from the chest and down, his torso was completely paralyzed.

The newborn underwent a 5-hour operation, during which surgeons sewed up a hole on the baby’s back and strengthened a shunt inside the skull, with which it was possible to pump out fluid.

Shelly and Noah were discharged from the hospital 10 days after giving birth and then regularly visited the medical center to pump fluid out of the baby’s head. These were insanely difficult days, full of worries, fatigue, sleepless nights, but not for a second did the couple lose their faith that their son would survive and survive.

Parents and relatives surrounded the baby with constant care, affection and love. And, to the surprise of everyone, the boy’s brain began to grow gradually!

By the age of three, the scan produced a result that amazed and pleased Noah’s relatives and doctors – he owned 80% of an ordinary human brain!