What does a girl who was born 13 years ago with a weight of 7.7 kilograms look like now? Photo


As a rule, babies are born with a weight of about 3-5 kilograms, unless, of course, there are no deviations in health. There are not many newborns with a large weight in the world. But 13 years ago there was one case when a woman gave birth to a girl with a weight of 7750 grams! It was a record for the whole Altai Territory!

Today we will tell you how the girl lives all these 13 years, how she looks and feels.

Tatiana Halina worked as a midwife, but her career stopped after the birth of her first child. Then the decree was delayed, because there are already 11 children in the family! Tatiana’s husband Viktor is a military man, he often goes on business trips, he was rarely at home and practically did not take part in the upbringing of children. The man is not tall and thin enough, Tatiana has a height of 157 cm, but a large build.

Tatiana’s 11th pregnancy passed without complications, according to ultrasound they said that everything was normal, there were no pathologies and the baby was developing according to its term. But 3 weeks before the birth, the woman’s stomach began to grow rapidly and she was sent for a control ultrasound. Then it turned out that the child’s weight was large and it became a threat to the mother’s health. Tatiana had a planned caesarean section.

It was assumed that the girl would be born with a weight of 6 kilograms, but not 7750! It was the first time in the world that a child was born with such a weight. The baby was sent for additional examinations.

Fortunately, in terms of health, the girl was doing well. She was given the name Hope. At first, there were problems with nutrition, her mother could not feed her with breast milk alone and had to be fed with mixtures.

Now Nadia is 13 years old, looking at her, it’s hard to believe that she was born with a weight of almost 8 kilograms. In appearance, this is an ordinary child in a normal weight category. She, like her parents, is not tall and over the years no health problems have appeared. Now Nadezhda herself looks at her childhood photos and does not believe that she once was like this.

The girl is the youngest in the family, she is the 11th child, Tatiana had no more children. A large family lives in a three-room apartment, which the state allocated to a military father. The older children have already created their own families and left home. But when everyone gathers together, they have a very noisy and fun time.