61-Year-Old Woman Acts as Surrogate to Help Her Daughter Fulfill Motherhood Dream


Sara Connell and her husband Bill endured the heartbreak of infertility struggles, but their path to parenthood took an unconventional turn when Sara’s 61-year-old mother, Kristine Casey, offered to carry her daughter’s child.

Kristine, a resident of Chicago, had fond memories of her own pregnancies and raising three daughters, and she had no reservations about becoming a surrogate for her daughter. After hearing about another older woman successfully serving as a surrogate for her infertile daughter, Kristine was open to the idea. In an instant, this decision brought mother and daughter even closer together.

Following a series of medical tests and consultations with doctors, the family decided to proceed with the surrogacy, with Kristine becoming a gestational carrier for her daughter.

Nine months later, Sara and her mother held hands as they witnessed the successful birth of Finnean Lee Connell via cesarean section. Sara, the first family member to hold the newborn, couldn’t contain her emotions, stating, «I lost it. It’s such a miracle.»

While successful childbirth for post-menopausal women remains rare, advances in IVF treatments have contributed to a growing number of cases.

This extraordinary family journey is chronicled in Sara Connell’s new memoir, «Bringing in Finn: An Extraordinary Surrogacy Story.» Kristine Casey’s selfless act demonstrates her boundless love and generosity towards her daughter.