«She got married and had children.» How did the life of a girl with an old woman’s face turn out?Now she is 25 years old. Photo


Although she was born an old woman and looked 50 at 16, but despite this she got married and had children. 25 years ago, a girl was born in the Nezhentsev family. The pregnancy was easy, all tests and ultrasound showed that the baby was completely healthy and developing according to the norms.

Then in the maternity hospital, the doctor and midwife who first saw the child were at a loss. There was fear and incomprehension on their faces… Irina demanded to see her daughter, and when she saw her, she almost fainted…

A few days later, the woman was explained that the girl has a rare genetic disease — progeria and, unfortunately, there are no drugs for it.

As a rule, children with such a diagnosis do not live to adulthood. But fortunately, Katenka had a mild form of the disease, only her face was aging, and her body and organs develop according to biological age.

Irina’s husband could not stand such a blow, he could not accept that his daughter was not like everyone else and left the family.

Irina Nezhentseva began to raise the girl alone. Many advised to write a rejection of her and give her to an orphanage, but the woman did not even listen to such advice. She did everything so that her baby did not feel special, but lived like all children.

The first difficulties began in kindergarten, the children did not perceive Katya, they were constantly laughing and pointing. She was constantly asked incorrect questions and humiliated.

At first, the girl was very sensitive to this attitude towards herself, she cried and was offended all the time, and then she was still able to accept herself and her appearance.

«Then I decided to win people not by appearance, but by intelligence, kindness and charm. The most important thing in every person is the soul,» says Katya.

Gradually, she got girlfriends and friends. The only thing that bothered the girl was that her relationship with the opposite sex was not going well.

In 2011, many people learned about Ekaterina Nezhentseva. The girl was invited to a transfer to Andrey Malakhov and there experienced surgeons promised to help her become a little more beautiful with the help of plastic surgery.

Katya has noticeably prettier.

Thanks to external changes, Katya was able to establish a personal life and she got married. Soon the couple had two sons. The youngest, unfortunately, inherited his mother’s illness.

Now the «girl with a grandmother’s face» no longer communicates with journalists, she has closed her personal pages in social networks. She doesn’t want to do any more shows from her personal life.

It is known that she broke up with her husband and now she has a young man with whom they plan to give birth to a daughter. Regarding repeated plastic surgeries, Katya says that she is not going to do them anymore.

«..my husband is already satisfied with everything. And health should be protected. I am happy, loved and in love. And a happy woman looks like it. Many people tell me that I have blossomed, » says the cheerful Katya.