«When, after a decade of determined efforts, I welcomed triplets at 48, instead of celebrating with me, those around me began offering criticism.»


At the age of forty-eight, I experienced the incredible joy of giving birth to triplets just six months ago, a dream that had eluded me and my loving husband for the past decade. The journey to parenthood was filled with its fair share of challenges, but it was a dream we were determined to fulfill.

A decade ago, when I first embarked on the path to motherhood, doctors were often discouraging, citing my age as a significant factor against conception. They would shake their heads and suggest that I should have started my family earlier in life. Well-meaning relatives would also offer their opinions, suggesting that perhaps we should consider adoption from an orphanage instead of investing so much in fertility treatments. However, my desire was unwavering — I longed to experience the miracle of pregnancy and giving birth to my own child.

In my youth, thoughts of motherhood weren’t at the forefront of my mind due to a turbulent relationship with my first husband. It was only when I met Vadim that my perspective on life and family changed. We married in our early twenties, but the relationship soon became fraught with his abusive behavior and alcohol addiction, ultimately leading to our separation.

After parting ways with Vadim, I embarked on a challenging journey of personal recovery and growth. It was during this time that I met Leonid, the love of my life. He was a stark contrast to the men I had known before — caring, loving, and deeply committed to our relationship. With Leonid, the desire to become a mother was rekindled, and we set out on our journey towards parenthood together.

When I finally became pregnant after numerous attempts, the elation we felt was beyond words. Throughout the pregnancy, Leonid was my unwavering pillar of support, standing by me every step of the way. He courageously held my hand during the deliveries, sharing in the intense joy and anticipation as our family expanded.

The birth of our triplets brought immense happiness into our lives, but it also brought judgment and negativity from some quarters. Many people couldn’t fathom the idea of us having three babies at our age, and their comments were hurtful. However, we were undeterred, for we knew that love, commitment, and the desire to nurture our children were far more important than society’s opinions.

Our journey to parenthood may have been unconventional, and our age may raise eyebrows, but the love and happiness we’ve found in our growing family are immeasurable. The trials and tribulations of the past have only made our journey more meaningful, reminding us that the pursuit of love and family is a deeply personal and rewarding path.